About the Journal



 Global Journal of Arts, Social and Management Sciences is domiciled in the History Unit,  School of Arts and Sciences,   University of   The Gambia,  Sere  Kunda,  The Gambia.  The Journal welcomes unpublished articles, short reports and monographs in all areas of  Arts,  Social and Management Sciences such as  English, French, Linguistics, History, International Studies, Diplomacy,  Philosophy, Religious Studies, Music, Theatre Arts,  Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Accounting, Psychology, Geography and Regional Planning, Mass Communication, Business Administration, Marketing,  Insurance, Quality Management, Risk Management, Decision Support Systems, General Management, Banking, Insurance, Gender Studies, Development  Studies,  Global Studies, Human Ecology, Library and Information Science, Media and Leadership  Studies.   All articles in this journal are indexed in some recognised indexing bodies. Contributors' papers are uploaded online after publication, at the official website of the journal.


 1 Articles should be typed in  Microsoft Word using 12 or 14  font size ( Times New Roman), and they should be between  4000 to 8000 words in single line spacing.

2 Contributors are advised to present the manuscript in line with any of the following styles of referencing, 7th Edition of American Psychological Associations (APA), 7th Edition of Modern  Languages  Association (MLA) or Turabian  Style of Referencing  ( TSR).

3 All completed soft copies should be sent in MSW to this email: gambiajournal2029@gmail.com   

4 Contributors are advised to use  British English or American English  

Article    Submission   Guidelines

The  cover  paper  should have an email  address and the institutional affiliation of the author

Peer   Review Policy

All submitted papers are assessed by the editor to ensure they meet the journal standard.  The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles.


The paper is required to have an abstract of 130 to 250 words,  with  6  keywords.

 Article   Publication   and   Processing    Fees

Many   Journals in the academic community are self-sponsored.  This journal depends on article processing and publication fees. The publication fee is used to meet the following expenses: internet services, the payment of the Journal Manager, servicing of the website, and uploading of articles online. The total online publication fee is  $40  for a single author, while for more than two authors is  $50. The journal hard copy is sent on request with a payment of $70.  The publication fee is paid after an article has been accepted. 


Article   Submission    Declaration

The article submission declaration states  that the manuscript submitted has not been published elsewhere by any journal.  All manuscripts are sent to gambiajournal2029@gmail.com   

   Change   of   Authors

Authors should notify the journal management if there is a change of author or addition of author after the submission of a manuscript.

 Article   Preservation

The journal has a reliable preserving platform. The PKP  Preservation Network (PN) provides adequate free preservation services to this journal. The journal also preserves her articles in other external sources.   

Article   Waiver Policy

The journal does not waive the publication fee.  This is because the publication and processing fee is fair and moderate.

Article  Copyright  Policy

This Journal does not retain copyright ownership of the published articles. The author(s)  retain the copyright of their published articles.

Open  Access   Policy

The journal does not restrict her articles from any person who is interested in downloading or reading them online.  This journal has open access to all her articles.

 The Journal  Indexing

Presently the   Articles in this  Journal are indexed in Google Scholar. The Journal Management is also in the process of indexing her articles in some of these indexing bodies: SCOPUS, EBSCO, J-Gate, COPERNICUS, and   DOAJ








Current Issue

2024: VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1
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