About the Journal
AAJSMSHEL is a multidisciplinary journal that encourages academic excellence in the dissemination of research. It welcomes and publishes well scholarly articles in Social and Management Sciences, Humanities, Education and Legal Studies. Submitted articles are subjected to total peer- review and editing before they are accepted for publication. The journal is domiciled in San Jose Occidental Mindoro, Philippines, Asia. Most of the editors are drawn from STATE UNIVERSITY, OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, PHILIPPINES, University of CAPE Coast, Ghana and other Universities. Articles in this journal are indexed in Google Scholar.
Social and Management Sciences Section
This section covers a wide range of disciplines that include Accounting, Taxation, Public Administration, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour, Industrial Relations, International Business, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Office and Information Management, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Economics, Business Administration
Education Section
This section is focused on all levels of education (e.g. formal, informal, non-formal, early childhood, lifelong, adult education, vocational education and training and higher education).
Legal Studies Section
This section covers human rights and rule of law issues as analyzed by lawyers, economists, political scientists and others drawn throughout the world. This section also places a premium on presenting a diversity of perspectives on fundamental, long-term, systemic problems of human rights and governance.
Humanities Section
This section publishes well scholarly articles in English, French, Linguistics, History, International Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Music, French, Chinese, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, and Theatre Arts.
Article Submission Instructions for Authors
Manuscripts are submitted electronically to aajhsms2080@gmail.com. The Manuscripts should not be more than 6,000 words excluding footnotes. Papers that are outside the scope of the journal will not be sent for peer review. Contributors are advised to use either American or British English.
Article Presentation
1} Articles should be in Microsoft Word using 14 font size ( Times New Roman).
2} The first page should contain the title of the article, a running head of not more than 40 characters, including space and a short abstract of 130 to 250 words.
3} Contributors are advised to present a manuscript in line with the 7th Edition of American Psychological Associations (APA) style.
- Headings
Headings should be centred and numbered 1 & 2. The first letters of the main words should be in upper case. The next headings should be aligned on the left and be lettered A, B, C or (i), (ii) & (iii), while the first letters of main words should be in upper case, e.g. (i), (ii) & (iii).
- Article Submission Colour
Figures that are submitted to the journal in colour can be published in colour in the online version at no cost. Contributors may choose to publish their figures in colour in hardcopy. In that respect, you will be asked to approve this cost after your article has been accepted for publication. Black and white figures will be printed without additional cost, but figures that may be converted from colour to black and white should be well prepared with high contrast.
- Keywords
After the abstract, contributors are advised to provide a maximum of 6 keywords and thereby avoid multiple concepts and plural terms. (for example, 'and', 'of'). Only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible.
- Tables
Tables should be submitted as editable text and not as images. It can be placed either next to the relevant text in the article, or on separate page(s) at the end. Tables should be numbered consecutively following their appearance in the text. Contributors should be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described in another article.
Waiver Policy of the Journal
The journal waiver policy is for some low-income countries scholars. This journal aims to encourage the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of original and quality articles. Asia and African authors who are low-income countries may be granted a 20 % waiver.
Copyright of Published Article
This journal does not retain copyright ownership of the published articles. The author retains the copyright of his or her article.
Publication Fee
The article publication fee of this journal is used for the running expenses of the journal such as internet services, servicing of the website and uploading of articles online. As a result of this, authors are required to pay a fair article publication fee for the processing of their articles. The total online publication fee is $50 for a single author, while for more than two authors is $60. The journal hardcopy is sent on request with a payment of a publication fee of $80 depending on the number of pages. The journal does not request a submission fee. Authors usually make payment if such authors' article is accepted for publication. CLICK HERE TO PAY YOUR PUBLICATION FEE
Open Access Policy
The journal has open access to its contents. Anybody who has the opportunity to access the articles of the journal is free to download or read the articles without restriction.
The Journal Indexing
Articles in this Journal are indexed in Google Scholar. Though, the Journal Management has started a process of indexing her articles in some of these indexing bodies: SCOPUS, EBSCO, J-Gate, COPERNICUS and DOAJ.
Plagiarism Policy
Articles are checked and screened for plagiarism during peer review to ensure they meet the journal standard.
The Journal Licensing
All articles published by Africa and Asia Journal of Social and Management Sciences, Humanities, Education and Legal Studies are under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows scholars to download, redistribute, and transmit its contents provided the original work and source are cited appropriately For details on the licensing click on the above link https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ .
Peer Review Policy
Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed and accessed in this journal by an editor. Accepted papers are sent for assessment by an editor. The editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles.
Article Preservation
The PKP Preservation Network (PN) is the major source of preservation of articles published in this journal. The PKP provides free preservation services for this journal. The journal also has an external hard disk that preserves articles.