About the Journal
Global Dynamic Journal of Humanities and Legal Studies (GDJHLS) welcomes manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. Electronic submission of manuscripts is highly encouraged, provided the text, tables, and figures are included in a single Microsoft Word file. GDJHLS is a multidisciplinary journal that encourages research in Humanities and Legal Studies. It welcomes and publishes well scholarly articles in English, French, Linguistics, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Music, French, Chinese, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Theatre Arts and Law. Accepted articles are subjected to reviews and thorough editing before publication.
1 The paper should be typed in double-line-spacing and should not exceed 18 pages in A 4 size paper.
2 Articles are typed in Microsoft word using Times New Roman, 12 font size
3 Contributors are advised to present manuscript in line with any of the following styles of referencing, namely; 7th Edition of American Psychological Associations (APA) or Modern Languages Association (MLA)
4 Quotation fewer than 40 words should appear in the body of the text with single quotation marks. Longer quotations should be indented and typed in single line spacing without a quotation mark.
5 Cover page of completed paper should be on a separate file. The contents should include the title of paper, author (s) name, academic affiliation, email address, phone number and a short abstract that is less than 180 words.
6 GDJHLS publishes articles twice in a year.
7 All completed soft copies should be sent to this email: djhls2080@gmail.com
8 The total online publication fee is ($62 for a single author, while for more than two authors is $72 ). The journal hardcopy is sent on request with a payment of a publication fee of $120 CLICK HERE TO PAY YOUR PUBLICATION AND PROCESSING FEE